Sunday, May 29, 2011

More Patterns Ahoy!

So, I can't believe how fast this personal project of mine is coming to an end. I already have one whole folder done and the other ones are in the process of being done. After the digitizing is done, I'm actually going to start using some of these and incorporating into some of new projects. I feel a little bit at a loss, because of what would I be doing next kind of feeling. Well, don't mean to be mushy, so here is more patterns from the Rushnychok site.

Simple13 color chart: red, black

Simple14 color chart: red, green and yellow

Simple15 color chart: red, black

Simple16 color chart: red and black

Several of these patterns I've been eyeing since  I found the Russian rushnychok site years ago. I'm imaging of a new smoking caps would be really awesome. 

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