Friday, January 21, 2011

New Wig

Trying out a new wig tonight, because it just arrived yesterday and I wasn't able to get hold of the box until today. It is copper blonde in color. I posted some previews earlier on my facebook and asked for concrits. Well, turned out the snow camo I was wearing was too distracting, so I redressed and redon the wig for another snap. This is what came out and everyone said that the wig looks fine on me. 
This is my first time going blonde. I think it's pretty good. I've been wanting to get some blonde wigs, and this was my first. Next one, I think I'll try a whiter/paler blonde. I have some Gabalnara wig that should be home with me soon. They messed up my last order, and didn't send one of my ponytail. So, I added a full wig to that order, so that it wouldn't be a waste of another delivery box. 

This is the Hizaki wig from 07 Wig on taobao. I can't wait for tomorrow's meetup. I'm charging my camera right now and I also need to get things together for the swap meet. First time, I'm getting rid of some of my things to get other things that I can use more.

I'm running a taobao wig group order atm, and it feels so exciting to be able to see what everyone else want to get. Along with the wig group order, I also got the Star Bag group order with Claudia, Ai, and Flora and my shoes for matching with the red Alice dress I'm ordering from Bodyline.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Aurora Ribbon

So, since early December last year, I've discovered an accessory series from Angelic Pretty that I've never knew about before.

It's called Aurora Ribbon. It comes with headband, barrette, necklace, ring and bracelet.

 I have the luck to acquire the bracelet literally days after acquiring the barrette and just a few days ago I acquired the necklace, with a little help from Christine, when she linked me to the sales post with it.

 Now, I'm on the hunt for the headband and the ring. Someone contacted me about being interested in selling the ring, so I'm crossing my fingers.

If the ring pans out, then all that I have to do is find the headband.