Friday, May 28, 2010


Years ago, I encountered a really beautiful site full of russian folk stitching called Rushnychok. As three years previous, I became interested in Russian cross stitching, when I encountered some really beautiful Siberian cross stitching patterns at a book store.

So, in the following year or so I'm going to faithfully plot the patterns from the Rushnychok site into actual viewable pattern. As the pattern from the original site is not printable or transferable. Trust me, I tried.

All the patterns, actually corresponds to the patterns on the original site. Click to download.

Rushnychok 1-4 color code: black, blue, light blue

Rushnychok 1-3 color code: black, navy blue

Rushnychok 1-2 color code: red, black

Rushnychok 1-1 color code: red, black